速報APP / 工具 / SIGNAL Utility

SIGNAL Utility



檔案大小:1.8 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 7.0 或以上版本。與 iPad 相容。


SIGNAL Utility(圖1)-速報App

本應用必須搭配欣宏電子所販售Amiccom BLE相關產品,此應用程式為工程開發所設計,可針對底下通道做讀寫設定及讀取相關資訊,另外可更改BLE模組的名稱以及針對Uart 做BaudRate設定. 在寫入方面支援ASCII及Hex, 本應用程式可對BLE 模組做線上BootLoader 韌體更新.

SIGNAL Utility can test all of Bluetooth 4.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy) Device. If you use A8105 module which is bought from E-Signal company, It's support Device Information setting. Just like Fix Device Local name、BaudRate、F/W Update.

It's support of read,write and notify control, and Hex & ASCII.

SIGNAL Utility(圖2)-速報App

SIGNAL Utility Key feature:

1.Scan for peripherals

2.Get Device Local name and mac address or UUID

SIGNAL Utility(圖3)-速報App

3.Register for Notification

4.Write Characteristic in Hex or ASCII

5.Module F/W Update

SIGNAL Utility(圖4)-速報App

6.Log program status

7.Device information setting

SIGNAL Utility(圖5)-速報App
